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Wearable with LoRa and Bluetooth connection

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:49 am
by Luis Ferreira
Hello, i am new to the forum and to ESP8266, but have experience programming and a bit with electronic circuits. However i want to start a new project involving a wearable, connected to a smartphone (bluetooth) and if possible connected with other wearables of the same type and to the Internet (LoRa mesh).

I've read a bit about LoRa networks and it seems very promising. There is even already a good amount of breakout boards and development boards, and this is where i have some questions. The best case scenario for me would be to purchase a "all-in-one" development board with both ESP8266 and Bluetooth, and here i found these two.

But these are still on pre-order and i want to start the project as soon as possible. Do you know any other board similar to these two already available to order?

If not, then i also found these (selected from a few national retailers), but i wanted to be know for sure what are the main differences between them before i order one:

Size format will be important for this project since its a wearable, so i wanted to order the smallest and most "capable" one in terms of processing, as well as preference for Arduino development. At the moment the best option seems to be the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi. Anyone has had good/bad experiences with it?

Lastly i also wanted to confirm something i heard: is it possible to connected to the wearable through a local network created by itself (WiFi, LoRa AP) with a smartphone AND still simultaneously keep an internet connection on the smartphonephone (independently if its through another WiFi or Data connection). My guess is that its not possible to connect to the wearable through WiFi and keep a WiFi, maybe only Data Connection, that's why i need the Bluetooth capability.

Thank you for the help, probably more questions will follow. If you need a better explanation in order to help let me know.

Re: Wearable with LoRa and Bluetooth connection

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:58 am
by bbx10node
I don't know much about LoRa but the LoPy (WiFi + Bluetooth + LoRa) for 30 euros sounds like a good deal. LoPy is based on the ESP32 (WiFi + BT) so it is very interesting.

You might want and see if Adafruit, SparkFun, Wemos, et al. start shipping ESP32 based boards. Adafruit and SparkFun sell LoRa breakout boards so an ESP32 board with a LoRa breakout board is equivalent to the LoPy at the hardware level. But 2 boards will cost more than the single board LoPy.

None of the four ESP8266 boards you have listed have Bluetooth so if you really need BT these are not good solutions.

I have no idea about the other questions.