A place users can post their projects. If you have a small project and would like your own dedicated place to post and have others chat about it then this is your spot.

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By danbicks
#58955 Ian,

Great design and build, well done you. I would be more than happy to tweak it, test in my class rooms and be a contributor to any code amendments.

If you are interested ping me a PM.

Kind regards


PS: Like the case unit save's a lot of time and mucking around.
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By ian
danbicks wrote:Ian,

Great design and build, well done you. I would be more than happy to tweak it, test in my class rooms and be a contributor to any code amendments.

If you are interested ping me a PM.

Kind regards


Hi Dans
Email me: sexton(at)dmu.ac.uk

PS: Like the case unit save's a lot of time and mucking around.