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By MixedOutput
#59579 Hi there folks! I've finished version 1 of my wifi connected LED matrix display and wanted to share this with the community.

The purpose of this sign is to enable anyone with a link (provided below) to send messages straight into my living room. Awesome right!?!? :D Now this way of communicating is not without it's flaws, for instance you only get a one-way communication (you can send me messages but I can not reply) and since the message is displayed and deleted I only have one chance of seeing the message. Meaning all messages sent are futile if I'm not home or sleeping or even not in the living room. Nevertheless it is a lot of fun to receive random messages at random times from random people :D

to help me notice when a message is inbound I've added a buzzer that beeps three times whenever a message is inbound. However this only works if I'm actually home or not too far away from the sign to get there in time to read the message.

I'm really pleased with the result and I plan to improve the sign like saving the last message for me to reload, improving the webpage and adding useful features like temp, time and date display while idle. I was also thinking about trying to implement some kind of karaoke feature but not really sure how or if it's worth the effort.

let me know what you guys think and if you've got any good ideas of features I could ad to this thing.

I will improve the page but for now you write your message on the second row (next to the send button) and emojis doesnt work but : ) does, and it can only handle 128 bit ascii.
The first row is for color and is written like: rgb=255,0,0 which will give you red text.

Link to write me a message (Sometimes I turn the sign off to get some peace or update something so if the link doesnt work it's most likely that the sign is turned off and you'll have to try again later)
Link to my youtube video
Link to my diy page at instructables