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ESPIOT - Temperature/humidity sensor WiFi on battery

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:35 am
by Fairesoimeme
Hello everybody,

My name is Fred and I'm from France. (In advance, sorry for my English).

I did an ESP8266 project in aim to make my home smarter.
Like I say in subject, my object is a T/H sensor on battery alimentation which communicate in WiFi (Normal it's an ESP8266).
Like everybody knows, WiFi and consumption is not a good melt. To resolve this problem, i used a TPL5110 from TI.
Thanks to this Timer, the sensor can operate during minimum 1 year with uplink all of 1 hour.
My other goal was to do an end design object which I can put in my home.
Finally my challenge was to spend less than 10$ !

If you have questions, I can help...

Re: ESPIOT - Temperature/humidity sensor WiFi on battery

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:32 pm
by ArnieO
Thank you for the writeup. Nice work! Et belle page, votre blog.
One question: Why did you choose not to exploit the deep sleep functionality of the ESP? What is the advantage of your timer/FET method?

Re: ESPIOT - Temperature/humidity sensor WiFi on battery

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:49 am
by Fairesoimeme
Thank you.
I use this timer instead of deep sleep method because the microcontroller in deepsleep consume 10uA minimum (this is not its force). The quiescient current of the TPL5111 (ultra low power) is 35nA. So i prefer cut the alimentation and let the timer wake up all of hour in aim to win some ampere/hour :)

Re: ESPIOT - Temperature/humidity sensor WiFi on battery

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:55 am
by schufti
hmm, looking at the datasheets I would say a factor 10 at the deepsleep level, at best.
If you have extreme long ds periodes it might be worth the extra parts.

The same could maybe done cheaper with the smallest Atmel or pic µC.
But it is allways good to learn about new chips (tpl5111) and concepts.

What I cannot endorse is the switching of gnd nor powering the esp from LiIon (4.2V fully charged) directly.