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ESP8266 Product firmware template

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:31 pm
by Bootalito
I've spent the past couple of months developing firmware template for personal use and for potential commercial products. The intention is to be able to take this "firmware" and bolt on different libraries for various sensors. Currently its configured to read temp and hum from a DHT22 just for testing and development purposes


    Serial command interface
    Telnet command interface, (login required)
    Serial and telnet commands share common interface
    Stores website login credentials in salted hash on EEPROM
    SPIFFS Storage of config.json for network settings, project name, and sensor scaling(calibration data), NTP settings, etc
    Access Point automatically created when WiFi not configured
    Webpage allows viewing of data, configuring network settings, viewing system data, editing files in SPIFFS, and more
    NTP integrated with time zone offset and DST calculations
    SMTP email
    Web based OTA Updates

Here are some shots of the webpage interface

Data Tab:

Network tab:

Admin tab:

EDIT: Depending on how much interest there is in my project I will create a Wiki through Github to assist with implementation. i would also appreciate any feedback or suggestions