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Commute Checker - Light the fastest route (Google Maps API)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:55 am
by witnessmenow
Hey Guys,

This is my Arduino Commute Checker project that is driven by an ESP8266 using the Google Map API library that I wrote.

It is built using some neopixels, a 7 segment display and a cheap frame from Ikea.

Every 2 minutes it checks google maps for the travel time for different routes between two places and will light up which ever one is faster. If the traffic is somewhat heavy the route will light up yellow and if its bad it will light up red.

The 7 segment displays the travel time of the current route and also the actual time, which it fetches of an NTP server

Here is video with a quick overview of the project.


I wrote the project up in large detail on Instructables if you are interested in making it.

Code for the project is on my GitHub

I would say it's a weekend project in terms of length and is built with just basic tools so should be pretty accessible to make.

I mainly go through the hardware part of the build on the instructable, with a section of what modifications need to be made to my sketch, but if you have any questions on anything please let me know!
