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Opensource device management for multiple OS - THiNX Cloud

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:20 am
by ThinxCloud
I'm starting this thread to announce new opensource tool for esp8266 and esp32.

The THiNX Cloud (https://thinx.cloud) is secure device management server running on NodeJS, so you can easily start your own at home.

It is able to build firmwares right from your repository (githook), than push binary (or lua code) over the air into various devices.
The builds are performed inside docker containers.
Devices can be managed directly or by MQTT (depends on hardware version) via Remote THiNX Management Console (RTM https://rtm.thinx.cloud) or by THiNX API.

Supported platforms:
- Platformio
- Arduino
- NodeMCU / LUA
- Micropython
- MongooseOS

Please NOTE this project is in early stage so there can be bugs and issues. We are developing this for fun and we would appreciate any help, criticism or advice.

Any contributions are WELCOME!


Re: Opensource device management for multiple OS - THiNX Clo

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:13 am
by ThinxCloud
- major release of <a href="https://github.com/suculent/thinx-lib-esp8266-arduinoc">THiNXLib for Arduino</a> - fixing issues with SPIFFS and WifiManager)
- implemented Google Account OAuth
- added experimental support for push configuration
- added support for basic device telemetry (geolocation, signal)

Run your own FOTA chain end-to-end or try our free instance.
Feedback highly appreciated! :D