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By samehhady
jairos2015 wrote:Nice work...!.
I'm doing something (ESP8266-07, Server NodeJS):

Nice, I am doing the same, using nodeJS and mqtt together for web sockets.
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By trackerj
#20022 Very nice enclosure BUT:

- what is your maximum power that you expect to Switch on MAINS? No heatsink at all?
- any special reason for MOC3020? you expect also to do dimming with that module in that configuration?
- no FUSE, MOV, any protection at all for a device that will be connected on MAINS inside the wall?
- no snubber circuit ?
- no EMI filtering and all ?
- doesn't look as having proper creepage and clearance distance. Looking thru UL 60950-1 2nd Edition and IPC9592B can give you a good idea about. Actually in your case, as is PCB now, you need also to look at IPC2221A (external layers for uncoated bare board)
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By samehhady
trackerj wrote:Very nice enclosure BUT:

- what is your maximum power that you expect to Switch on MAINS? No heatsink at all?
- any special reason for MOC3020? you expect also to do dimming with that module in that configuration?
- no FUSE, MOV, any protection at all for a device that will be connected on MAINS inside the wall?
- no snubber circuit ?
- no EMI filtering and all ?
- doesn't look as having proper creepage and clearance distance. Looking thru UL 60950-1 2nd Edition and IPC9592B can give you a good idea about. Actually in your case, as is PCB now, you need also to look at IPC2221A (external layers for uncoated bare board)

- For the wall light switch I am expecting to control bunch of 30w bulbs thats why I didn't need heatsink.
- I had a choice between using triac & relays, I preferred using triacs at-least for now to avoid the ticking sound & to explore if I will be able to dim the lights too or not.
- I will be adding a fuse on my next version for protecting the board, i missed that one.
- I will look into clearance distance needed honestly I am not that into designing PCBs I am more into programming :)
Also not sure about EMI filtering & snubbers. can you explain more how would they affect the project?

Thank you for your comments, really appreciate it.