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By danbicks
ohgary wrote:Here is a project using as esp8266-01 to control an outlet.

https://hackaday.io/project/8456-esp826 ... et-control

Hi Gary,

Nice work. You should consider controlling RF socket modules using the RC-Switch library for 433 MHz and avoid yourself any danger or others trying to build your unit. A much neater and safer way to achieve your outcome.

Well done anyway.

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By ohgary
#34930 Thanks for the comments, 433mhz devices dont work well here To much RF from my ham gear.. If you build the device and proper isolate the relay there should be no issue. As noted in my build text, the best way is to build a 3 wire based system but my device was built around a nice little box so i stuck with 2 wire. If I had one in my parts drawer I would have went to the opto isolated relay but used what I had on hand.