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By Bauerbyter
#4944 Hi,

first of all English isn't my native language, so please excuse my mistakes :-)
I work on my own Lasertag System and the prototyp works fine. Now I want to add some radio/wifi connection to transfer when someone is hit, playerstats or something else (I have seen you can programm an arduino over the ESP, what is also great). I'm not very experienced with Wifi so I have to ask some questions :-)
So is this possible: I want to make a Server in the middle of the Room and every "tagger" (around 20 pieces) has a ESP-Modul. Everytime someone is hit, the tagger sends the data who has hit him (and other Information) to the server. The server saves the information and sends to the tagger which shots, the information that he hit "Player X".
Do you think this is possible with the ESP8266, when this happend often simultaneously? What happens when multiple tagger send at the same time? Can the Server handle this?

Thanks a lot for you help.
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By phil31
#6153 yes the tcp protocol while handle all the communication.
but i'm not sure that WIFI is the best idea for your requirements..
it's consume a lot of power !

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By Bauerbyter
#6269 Thanks for the Answer!
I also play around with the nrf24l01, but i will test both.
At the moment i wait for my new esp8266 modules :-D