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UCTronics ESP8266 12F Need help Flashing

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:50 am
by mrespman
I bought 2 of these boards from ebay:

ESP8266 220V 10A Network Relay WIFI Module
SKU:U4648 - See more at: http://www.uctronics.com/esp8266-220v-10a-network-relay-wifi-module.html#sthash.tjliayIg.dpuf


They came preloaded with Chinese software from Yanshun (I think is the spelling). I can connect to it wirelessly and get to the home page, but nothing else works... ie be able to turn on/off the relay. I click the buttons and I just get "page can't be found" errors. It does not help that the page is in Chinese.

I am left with two questions:
1. Is anybody familiar with this software package and can you help me understand what I am doing wrong?
2. Barring that, I want to flash the unit and put some code on it that I found in an Arduino forum.
3. Or, is there a public sketch available that will let me control the relay using http commands?

Here is what I have tried. I am using an Arduino Mega as the programmer. I found a sketch that is supposed to load on the ESP8266 and have set all of the variables correctly. I have the RX/TX and ground connections correct. And have jumped the boot terminals (P5) as that seems to be GPIO0 to ground.

When I attempt the flash, Arduino blinks, ESP blinks and all seems to be reacting well until I get errors about ESPCOMM_Upload_Fail_Mem (something, something... sorry I am typing this at work). When I restart the ESP in normal mode, nothing has happened and the program is unchanged.

Any help with either 1 (understand current program) or 2/3 (flash the ESP) is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: UCTronics ESP8266 12F Need help Flashing

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:32 am
by mrespman
Turned out that I need to hit the reset button on the arduino during the flash upload. I let the led blink once or twice, reset the arduino, then the code loads with no problem.

Re: UCTronics ESP8266 12F Need help Flashing

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:47 pm
by miker
How did you connect to it? I've tried everything. It looks like the address is on my machine. I can see the ip address by connecting to its wifi.
I then disconnect, connect to my regular wifi, then enter into the browser.
Right now I have no idea what i'm supposed to do.