The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By pekkie85
#56596 Hi folks, i got comfi with arduino due to 3D Printing.
Here you have firmware in form of an arduino sketch(for ex.) wich has to be verified and uploaded to the controller board.
Now, from what i understand, reading online, the NodeMCU has flashed LUA firmware, AND your personal uploaded sketch? or have i missed something?

Now i've bought some NodeMCU's with ESP8266, in an effort to create a WiFi receiver for 2channel R/C products. (android app>command>Wifi>Node>PWM output)
So you would just have to connect a servo and ESC to control a standard RC car or boat with your android smartphone (tired of carrying R/C transmitters when having a IoT product in your pocket, capable of replacing all those transmitters)

The product i bought (ESP12E) has some preloaded firmware.
You can power the Node with USB, open your WiFi connections on a pc/smartphone, open browser , go to an IP adress(corresponds to your Node), and swith the onboard LED on and off.
Now i was wondering where i could take a look at that code.
Cause looking at code examples found everywhere, i notice they are about making the Node connect to YOUR WiFi to write or read or something else, instead of connecting you to the Node to make it run your instructions(in this case my PWM commands from the android app).

So is there anyone who can send me some info or a related link to get started on this particular project?