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IoT with PubNub and ESP8266 help needed

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:46 am
by Deejayer
Hi Everyone.

This is my first post so bare with me please.

For some weeks now I have been playing around with the ESP8266 in the Arduino environment and have got as far as hosting a simple web page on the ESP8266. This has simply allowed me to remotely control only some ESP I/O. I have done this without a cloud service by using port forwarding so that any smart device can go onto the hosted web page and control the ESP8266 outputs.
I now want to monitor some sensors as well as control the ESP outputs to do this I have looked at several options. I want some sort of clean permanent setup so decided I would try PubNub.

I have seen all the things on Github to get this working. https://github.com/pubnub/pubnub-esp8266.
Instead of using Linux environment I have an Eclipse one setup up with all the ESP8266 SDK and Xtensa so I would like to see if I can get the code working in this. At the moment I have tried modifying the makefile but it has one error I cant shift as follows.
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status, recipe for target 'build/pubnub_demo.out' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [build/pubnub_demo.out] Error 1

Anyone out there have any ideas or suggestions on this or how I may better achieve remote monitoring and control with ESP8266?? Im open to other ideas.

Many Thanks