The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By testgio123
#72089 Hi gurus,i try D1->scl,D2->sda, but i can't find I2C oled, what am i wrong?
#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
Serial.begin (115200);

// Leonardo: wait for serial port to connect
while (!Serial)

Serial.println ();
Serial.println ("I2C scanner. Scanning ...");
byte count = 0;

Wire.begin(4, 5); // sda, scl

Serial.println ( Wire.status());
for (byte i = 1; i < 120; i++)
Wire.beginTransmission (i);
if (Wire.endTransmission () == 0)
Serial.print ("Found address: ");
Serial.print (i, DEC);
Serial.print (" (0x");
Serial.print (i, HEX);
Serial.println (")");
delay (1); // maybe unneeded?
} // end of good response
} // end of for loop
Serial.println ("Done.");
Serial.print ("Found ");
Serial.print (count, DEC);
Serial.println (" device(s).");
} // end of setup

void loop() {}