The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By UniqueIdentifier
#45544 Disregard. I can see now that it takes a lot more work on the client side. In fact, I think it over complicates what needs to be done.

Why not just allow the use to make a button, graph, gauge, etc and read the value as a number, % or whatever it is since you are storing those messages or updating the dashboard anyways.
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By 4refr0nt
smartman2012 wrote:This Sketch doesn't compile with current version of PubSubClient library. API has changed significantly. Are you planning an update? Thanks.

I'm use PubSubClient v1.99.1 from Imroy
(Arduino IDE included as default different PubSubClient lib from knolleary
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By daxkamala
#51583 Hi, I've spent a couple of hours now trying to connect the app to CloudMQTT without success.
Same trying to connect to a local Mosquitto.
Log says 'Client offline(MQTT)' then 'Client Closed'
Have tried every combination of settings based on your nice easy start guide.
Any ideas please?