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Why does ESP8266 show 'Garbage' characters?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:38 am
by AcmeUK
Many newcomers complain that when they boot the esp8266 all they see is 'Garbage'!

This is because the the esp 8266 boot ROM runs at 74880 Baud.

Many people complain at the 'choice' of 74880; well there is a technical reason for it.

From here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/esp-open-rtos/_j7MffxhqsA/XVfzemznBQAJ (See the post from Angus Gratton at top of page)

I found this explanation
On reset, ESP8266 hardware default baud rate depends on the crystal choice. With a 40MHz crystal you get 115200bps. With a 26MHz crystal you get proportionally less, 74880bps (115200*26/40). Almost everyone (including Espressif) ships hardware with a 26MHz crystal, so almost everyone gets 74880bps by default.

One problem is that some terminals do not support the 74880 Baud rate. To overcome this I use Coolterm. For details see this post http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2664&hilit=+coolterm

Hope this helps.