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Mail notifier with Wemos d1 mini

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:48 am
by zayigo
Hi guys!

I'm trying to use my Wemos d1 mini to send me a push notification on my phone every time the postaman deliver something in my mail box. I found this project http://www.whatimade.today/esp-8266-mai ... and-blynk/ but I think the explanation is a little bit messy.

I would like to use a microswitch to detect when the lid of the mail box is open, if it is, the nodemcu would wake up, connect to the wifi network, send the data including the battery level to Adafruit IO and enter a sleep/shutdown state because there could be a big parcel holding the lid open and I don't want to drain the battery if this happens.

Can someone help me figure out a way to make it work?

Thanks :D