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resetting Huzzah feather

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:49 am
by dominator99
Hi All
Seem to have got myself into a hole while trying to write a simulated EEPROM routine.
I was writing to EEPROM addresses 0 to 4096 but somehow I'm getting a value of:
EEPROM address counter k = 1610612764!
I've tried writing 0's to all above addresses 0 to 4096 using eeprom.write but address counter remains fixed at the above. The IDE sketch still runs but not as before. I suspect I've overwritten some of the Arduino code
Is there a way to restore the Huzzah Feather to original factory setting?

Re: resetting Huzzah feather

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:05 pm
by jankop
Arduino is not firmware. It is sketch compiled to binary only. Upload new sketch to Huzzah Feather and it is all. Bootloader is in PROM.