Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By oenebakker
#32860 Hello,

Reading most tutorials and blog GPIO-2 should be connected HIGH. When connecting GPIO-2 high the blue led on the ESP8266 doesn't light up. Trying to connect it through a FTDI323 I only see garbage on the serial monitor. I tried different baud rates (9600 through 115200). I don't see a CH_PD connection on the board but I understand the EN connection is the same one (so I connected it HIGH). I followed the tutorials and blogs but nothing seems to work.

ESP12 <---> FTDI232
TX <---> RX
RX <---> TX

ESP12 <---> Breadboard (with 3v3 power)
3v3 <---> 3V3
EN (CH_PD) <---> 3V3
GND <---> GND
GPIO-1 <---> 3v3
GPIO-2 <---> 3v3 (but this doesn't seem to work, blue light is off)
GPIO-15 <---> GND

I tried some different setting, but I only see garbage on the serial monitor (I tried LuaLoader, PuTTY and the Arduino Serial monitor). But no luck. Any ideas???



I know the ESP12 board has a usb connection. But the device isn't recognized (Windows 10).
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By Touliloup
#33017 Try a speed of 76800, you might see something else and not any more garbage :) .
And for your USB not recognized problem, I guess you'll just need the right driver (BTW ESP12 doesn't have USB connection, NodeMCU board have).

For NodeMCU serial driver (CH341 USB-TTL driver) : ... _Dev_Board