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By Fotonic
#39187 Hi, I've just modifyed my 4mbit esp8266-03 with a bigger flash chip, a 32mbit model from microchip.
Looking at the datasheet, I think it's compatible with esp but once turned on the circuit after the mod something is not working as it was before.
This is the datasheet of the new flash chip: ... 05218B.pdf

This is the output of ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL once it detects the ESP:
flash vendor:
BFh : N/A
flash devID:
26 Mhz

Can someone help me understanding what's wrong?
Having a blank flash do I need to write sdk on it even if I use arduino IDE for compiling / downloading code?
In that case I am not sure of the files to load in the following fields of download tool 2.3:

Thanks in advance. ;)
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By martinayotte
#39194 If you've got the flash_id read, it is already a good sign ... ;)
But which firmware you wish to upload ? if it is the previous AT firmware, upgrading Flash doesn't change any thing, upload addresses will stay the same.
If you use Arduino IDE, simply choose new Flash size target in the menu.
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By Fotonic
martinayotte wrote:If you've got the flash_id read, it is already a good sign ... ;)
But which firmware you wish to upload ? if it is the previous AT firmware, upgrading Flash doesn't change any thing, upload addresses will stay the same.
If you use Arduino IDE, simply choose new Flash size target in the menu.

Well, flash ID is read but when arduino IDE is loading the code after compilation something does not work like it should.
So, you confirm my though, if I don't need SDK but only want to execute programs written with arduino IDE then there's no need to download SDK.

At powerup and after every reset I got an error message:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)


UART speed is set to 74880, ESP defaults to this speed by itself? I was using 115200 in the last program runned before changing flash.

If i compile a sketch in IDE and reset ESP in program mode, it detects correctly it and then proceeds with flashing.:
erasing flash
size: 031810 address: 000000
first_sector_index: 0
total_sector_count: 50
head_sector_count: 16
adjusted_sector_count: 34
adjusted_size: 022000
espcomm_send_command: sending command header
espcomm_send_command: sending command payload
setting serial port timeouts to 10000 ms
setting serial port timeouts to 1000 ms
espcomm_send_command: receiving 2 bytes of data
writing flash
starting app without reboot
espcomm_send_command: sending command header
espcomm_send_command: sending command payload
espcomm_send_command: receiving 2 bytes of data
closing bootloader
flush start
setting serial port timeouts to 1 ms
setting serial port timeouts to 1000 ms
flush complete

It seems all ok to me but program doesn't run. What can it be? I selected 4M (3M SPIFFS) in IDE's configuration.

If this flash works it can be obtained for free as samples from microchip and should permit way more writing operations than chips found on ebay... :)
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By martinayotte
#39268 I've never used this chip since I've used some Winbond on eBay to upgrade few ESP-01 that I have.
Did you try more simplier sketch like Blinker ?
Did you confirm that firmware is properly uploaded by doing a read_flash with and compare it with original ?