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TX/RX Blue LED always on

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:24 am
by Richard210363
I have a nice LED based project that works really well.
I have a wifi connection that receives commands from a PC console and then makes WS2812 5050 RGB LEDs change colour, chase, fade etc.
This is all mounted in a translucent case with the LEDs pointing outwards and the ESP8266 in the middle
However it is a bit spoiled because the bright blue led is always on so any colours I push to the LEDS always have this blue light showing.
I don't know why it is on because I'm not doing any TX/RX (ie no Serial.println("");.
I'm guessing it's because of the WiFi framework (I use esp8266/Arduino, https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino which seems very stable for WiFi)
I have the ESP8266 set up as a ESP8266WebServer server(80); So it is constantly listening.

I tried digitalWrite(1, HIGH); to turn the Tx/Rx off (apparently this is the way)
and then digitalWrite(1, LOW to be sure);
That didn't work.

Any thoughts?

Re: TX/RX Blue LED always on

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:21 am
by PhilHornby
Richard210363 wrote:I tried digitalWrite(1, HIGH); to turn the Tx/Rx off (apparently this is the way)
and then digitalWrite(1, LOW to be sure);

On the module I have (which the eBay seller described as both an ESP-12E and an ESP-12F in different parts of the ad), the internal blue LED is connected from VDD to GPIO.2.
(This module: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401007692322?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=670536936327&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT)

Code: Select allpinMode(2, OUTPUT);

turns the LED ON.

(Without the 'pinMode' statement, the digitalWrite has no effect ... which was slightly unexpected)