Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By bram
#41431 Hey,

I want to use a Arduino to communicate with my ESP8266 over i2c. My only concern is that the Arduino I am using is 5v. Could I use this or do I need to use a level shifter?
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By bram
#41447 But would I damage the esp when I use the arduin with i2c when powering the esp with a 3v power supply amd connecting ground together?
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By martinayotte
#41451 What do you means by "damage" ?
The I2C Level Shifter has 2 power input, on 5V for the Arduino side, and one 3.3V on the ESP side.
The I2C bus has PullUps, so when it is idle, lines are at HIGH level.