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sending the 50KB data using AT+CIPSEND in tranprent mode

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:26 am
by Manjunath_hk
we are working on the project where we have to send the 50KB of data through http post using the esp8266 WROOM-02 module in less than 500ms . we are using AT+CIPSEND in transparent mode to send the data . In the data sheet it is mentioned that 2KB data has to send continuously with 20ms delay between the packets we following the same procedure to send the data with baudrate of 921600 but if send like that we not getting the response but if we send the same data with 500ms delay between the packets (2KB) we are getting the response but it will consume more than 13 sec which is not acceptable for the project please suggest me the solution thanks in advance.....

note :we are using the latest version of the firmware (AT_V1.1).