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Entrant 44 : Universal IO Bridge

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:20 pm
by RichardS

Please read the PDF file for more information. It contains both a
gentle introduction, a full in-depth description and is completed by a
reference section. I will quote the first paragraphs below, but please
read the full documention and see there is much more possible than
seems at first sight.

The ESP8266 universal I/O bridge is a project that attempts to make all
of the I/O on the ESP8266 available over the (wlan) network. This more
or less assumes the use of an (possibly always-on) server that
frequently contacts the ESP8266 to fetch the current data or to send
control commands. It is not intended to program automated actions or to
automatically upload results "to the cloud".

Currently the available I/O's are: all of the built-in GPIO's (such as
digital input, digital output or PWM), I2C (emulated by software bit-
banging), the ADC (analog input) and the UART. External GPIO's (well-
known I2C I/O expanders) are currently being implemented. It also
features external displays (currently only using SAA1064, others, LCD,
are planned).

The software listens at tcp port 24, and that is where the
configuration and commands should be entered. Type telnet <ip_address>
24 and type ? for help. No need for flashing when the configuration
changes, just change the config and write it.

There is also an very bare bones http server on board, which currently
only shows the I/O status, but may be extended quite easily in the
future. Use the http interface simply by pointing your browser to your
ESP's IP address and add the port number 24 to it.

If the requirements are met, the OTA-version can be used, which means
that updates can be programmed over the network instead of using the

files: see attached tar file, it contains both sources, default config
files (to be flashed) and pre-compiled images files ready to flash for
both plain and OTA images.
image: one (not really relevant for this project) inside the tar file,
it shows a PCB that I designed last year, myself, by the way.



