You can chat about native SDK questions and issues here.

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By SteveBaker
#56323 There is no doubt that working with the native SDK is hard. I've been a C/C++ programmer for 40 years - and I've worked with a ton of embedded systems - but the ESP documentation is patchy. I'm slowly building up a set of "example" code for myself - with a C++ wrapper class for each piece of the system that I think I understand.

But this stuff is *hard*!

Questions asked on the "Native SDK" section of the forum seem to go it's going to be hard to build up a 'critical mass' of people who learned enough to be able to share the load and answer questions in the future.

Googling for information is incredibly difficult because 99% of the hits are from people using the ESP as a serial=>WiFi interface on Arduino...which is very different from what we're trying to do here. The remaining 1% seems to mostly be Lua folks...which makes finding information on native coding exceedingly frustrating!

So is there a better place to ask questions about the native SDK code?
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By walter1604
#56793 These SDK issues are driving me crazy for over 3 weeks . It's a frustration to go beyond "blinky" on Arduino.

I would seem reasonable to start with the SDK's and build the examples to get some foundation, experience and skills. This is definitely not the case with this product:
The SDK documentation is very poor, there are no test examples that are working , the code is not documented.

I do not know what is the problem or what magic has to be done to get a simple make on SP8266_NONOS_SDK produces nothing.

make COMPILE=gcc BOOT=$boot APP=$app SPI_SPEED=$spi_speed SPI_MODE=$spi_mode SPI_SIZE_MAP=$spi_size_map <------- ????

make = .FORCE ???

This shouldn't be this hard !!!
Has anyone got a grip on these SDK problems
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By lethe
#56835 The examples included with the SDK are indeed rather useless, especially since their makefiles are a mess.
I can recommend using esp-open-sdk and esphttpd as base for new projects, as it includes a sane build process, a full featured http server and support for OTA updates.