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ESP8266 with multiple Arduino Nano

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:42 pm
by SF2017CND
I am working on a project which has multiple Arduino Nano (3). I was wondering if I need to use 1 ESP8266 for each Nano, or is there a way to use 1 ESP8266 for all 3. I will be reading data from 3 independent sensors and sending this data to a online SQL database. I have limited experience with the ESP8266 and would really appreciate some advice. Thank you in advance!

Re: ESP8266 with multiple Arduino Nano

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:25 am
by gdsports
Save the Nanos for another project. Consider connecting the sensors to ESP12 boards such as the nodemcu devkit or wemos d1 mini.

I suggest exploring the use of ESP12 boards such as the Wemos d1 mini or NodeMCU devkit 1.0 with the Arduino IDE. Many projects can be done without an additional processor such as AVR or PIC. Adafruit and SparkFun also sell ESP12 boards.