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Upload program or update firmware to ESP-01 with Arduino

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:42 am
by PyroxHU

I dont have an FTDI but i do have an Arduino Mega and Nano. Is it possible to use one of them to upload programs to ESP with Arduino IDE, or flash the firmware?

Re: Upload program or update firmware to ESP-01 with Arduino

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:39 am
by QuickFix
Yes, it is possible and there are websites on the internet (Google for them) that explains how to do this, but I strongly advise you to get yourself a special programming board or at least a FTDI-board, because experience shows *everyone* fails at first and those boards only cost a couple of Euros/Pounds/Dollars, so why fiddling about?

Re: Upload program or update firmware to ESP-01 with Arduino

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:29 am
by Blue2swing
Here you go.

Wire it up just like the schematic. The pictures will help too, but the esp covers the placement of some of the resistors. you can also use a 10uf capacitor on the power supply to help add a little extra power to your esp if it keeps reseting at start up, but its not necessary.

It took me 3-4 days of reading to finally get this too work. So I'm eager to share it with someone else. And yes, I know this post is a little old, but maybe somebody else will come along that will need this info :).


I learned a lot from reading this book on the ESP8266 by Neil Kolban.
I initially downloaded a free copy, but was so happy when I finally got it to work that I went back and paid the $5 for it. I would recommend you contribute to Neil Kolban as well if this helps you :).

Also, here's a webpage that will help you flash the firmware. I bricked my ESP-01 and was able to get full function back after following these instructions.


FINAL NOTE: To put the ESP-01 in "Flash" mode you need to hold down the GPIO0 button (in the wiring I posted above). While holding down the GPIO0 button give the RESET button a quick push. The ESP-01 should restart. Wait another second and then let go of the GPIO0 button. You should be read to flash the ESP-01. If you still have trouble take The GPIO0 wire and connect it directly to GROUND.