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By fsa317
#68044 Hi, I have a project I'm doing with an ESP-12E chip and some LEDs (neopixels). I've been having issues where when I reset the chip about 50% of the time it doesn't work and I get crashes (this also happens on initial boot, sometimes).

I just noticed something about my setup. I have a 5V power source regulated via a voltage divider on one of the white mounting boards. However reset and GPIO - 0 both have pull ups to the 5v line not the 3.3v. Does this sound like it could be the root cause of my problems?

Assuming so, when using those white mounting boards how do I get "access" to the 3.3v regulated line for GPIO0 and RST?
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By btidey
#68046 I have one of the white adapter plates. I don't really use it but it only has the regulator pads on it and a means of either using the regulator or passing external 3.3V through a zero ohm resistor (i.e. no regulator). There were no pull ups or pull downs to any of the pins. All of the ones I saw on eBay were similar. The one I have would need wiring up RESET/EN and putting pull down on GPIO15

Can you post a picture of yours focussing on where the pull ups are?
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By fsa317
#68047 My pull ups for RST and GPIO0 are on my breadboard. The issue/concern is that I have them pulled up to my original 5v input not the voltage after the regulator. I'm trying to figure out if a) that could be causing my stability issues and b) how to fix it - or in other words how do I get the 3.3v from the pads back to the breadboard. Do people usually wire from the pad to a breadboard?
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By QuickFix
  • Always and only supply a stable 3.3V (at least around 500mA) to the ESP (and any of its pins)
  • If you need to connect pins to 5V logic, use a level-shifter
  • Never pull an ESP-port up to 5V, only pull up to 3.3V
  • Did I already say that the ESP only accepts a stable 3.3V power supply of at least 500mA?