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getting the wemos d1 mini to connect to a hidden ssid

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:07 am
by emilevs
I am trying to get my wemos d1 mini to connect to a hidden ssid, it is a network with WPA2-PSK security. I have tried to connect to this network with a few of the example scripts and it is not working. I have looked into it and found this forum post https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/2390, there somebody came to the conclusion that his ESP8266 was set to n-only mode and it needed to be set to b/g/n mode. I am not sure what he meant by this. I did some research and apparently it has something to do with radio types but I still don't really understand it because it seems that you can only set it to n b or g not all 3. Does anybody know a solution or an example script to connect to a hidden ssid.