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LED voltage/current

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:37 pm
by eladla

This is my first post so hello to everyone! :)

I just got started with the ESP8266 a few days ago. I got the Sparkfun thing dev.

I set it up with an IR transmitter and receiver and a RHT03 and managed to get the wifi going and getting MQTT messages back and forth from AWS IoT.

My problem is that the GPIO pins are 3.3V, which produces a very dim IR light.
I made an MQTT controlled remote for my AC unit, and for it to work it needs to be about an inch away from the IR receiver on the unit, and that's not ideal.

Currently, the LED is connected to GND and GPIO4 through a 330 Ohm resistor.
I was wondering if there is any way I can get a higher voltage/current going into the LED?
