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Is multiple IRrecv possible?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:03 am
by tarantula3
I am very new to the ESP world, however I have great ideas in mind.

I am making a project where i need to have a mesh of TSOP IR receivers (5 at the moment) attached to a NODEMCU.

I have been able to send and receive ir data using the library IRremoteESP8266 and with 1 IR diode and 1 TSOP Receiver successfully using a single NodeMCU board but now the problem i have is how to attach multiple TSOP receivers receiving independent data.
I can wack them all on a single pin but that does not solve my problem.
I basically want to read something like this

11111 - no data
10111 - pin 2 received data (beam broken)
11101 - pin 4 received data
10001 - pin 2,3,4 received data

Thanks in advance

Re: Is multiple IRrecv possible?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:36 pm
by tarantula3
Nevermind, fixed it.
just by reading the pion out of TSOP48..