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ESP8266 Hero Needed Please

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:21 pm
by Andrew Lee
Hi guys,

I have been trying to figure out how to use ESP8266 for days and I think I kind of screwed up this time. First few days I was able to get ESP8266 to connect to WiFi using AT Commands. However, unable to upload any sketch thus I connected GPIO0 to GND and uploaded an empty sketch. Successfully uploaded the empty sketch but received fatal error on Serial Monitor. Thus I disconnect GPIO0 and tried to use AT commands but it stopped working.

So I did some research and found out that if I upload any sketch if GPIO0 is connect to GND, it will overwrite the previous firmware? Which is why I am unable to use AT command anymore? Am I right? If so, can any hero tell me how to revert the mistake I made?

My connection:
VCC - 3.3V
CH_PD - 3.3V

I connect them using Arduino Due 3.3v

Thanks in advance,