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By codeJake
#72276 Hi all. I'm new here. Hope someone can help. I just started out with the Amica nodemcu boards. They are really great. So here's the question. I code via arduino ide and in the loop I have placed the ftpSrv.handleFTP() tag. I can connect to it easily via filezilla. Now once I start adding code for my program that also needs to be in the loop the ftp server times out while responding to filezilla. Is there any way I can detect via code if an ftp client is attempting to connect to the nodemcu ftp server?
This way a simple if statement could be used to block other time consuming function calls causing the ftpsever to fail in the connection process.
The library I'm using was created by David Paiva ( .
Is there some way of creating a return code based on attempted connection, such as a return from ftpsrv.HandleFTP()?

Thanks in advance.