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By Eddy25
#72516 Hi, I have since 3 days an esp-01 . Have connected it to a pl2303 serial programmer for initial testing purpose as follows :
CH_PD -3.3v /
Vcc - 3.3v

The esp is connected to an external 3.3v power supply rated 1A.
When opening adruino ide serial monitor and powering up the esp i just get "the boot gibberish" without the "Ready word" and the AT command doesn't get answer.
Have reflashed it successfully several times using FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS_ and ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.2_16_01_29 / esp8266_nonos_sdk_v2.0.0_16_08_10 without success ie no AT commands just the boot gibberish (I have of course tested all possible baud rates). What can i do else or is it bricked?
Thanks for helping.