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0x40100000: _stext at ??:?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:19 pm
by linuxpaul
Hello Forum,

sorry for this stupit question, but I'm familar with some basic stuff like this.

After playing around with esp32 and the ESP_IDF, I'd like to start with the ESP8266.
I bought a nodeMCU board and use the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK v3 which may
similar to the esp32 SDK solution.

When I use "make monitor" the Monitor shows the loading sequence and
0x40100000: _stext at ??:?
What does this mean?
Obvisiouly it has something to do with the linker and .text, but I didn't get the clue.
Except this warning all examples seem work fine.


Re: 0x40100000: _stext at ??:?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:38 pm
by linuxpaul
It means that there is no code placed into sram.
Placing code into sram may be helpful using brakpoint for debugging purposes.
see point 20.

Withing compiler/linker default settings of the SDK I run into relocation trouble like this:
Is there a simple how to dealing with this settings?
