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By Faber
#78150 Hey guys!
Probably this is a question that has been asked many times, and I have found some people who solved it already, however none of those solution worked for me, or at least not entirely.
I'm pretty sure it's because I've used just Arduino board and this is my first trip on ESP8266 field.

Project in short:
- ESP wakes
- ESP connects to MQTT
- ESP check messages (led to notify)
- User can use a pushbutton to cancel the notify and respond
- If no message ESP goes to sleep for a while

So far is working perfectly and I've add a second pushbutton to wake the ESP at any time using this scheme:

from here: stackoverflow

This scheme works perfectly to wake the ESP but here comes the problem: I want to use that same pushbutton as user input. On the stackoverflown thread Tomsim stated that he can use D2 to sense the button but it doesnt work for me, as it immediatly resets the ESP when I press it.

Is there a way to use that same pushbutton as user input?
Thanks and sorry for the very common question. :oops: