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Where's latest IDE/SDK?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:59 am
by papadeltasierra
It's 2018 but the ExpressIF IDE seems to be 'vintage' to put it politely and it is far from ideal (for example the lubuntu image tries to update itself from Chinese servers and they don't even seem to exist). So is there a simple recipe for getting a dev environment (a NONOS one is fine) that will compile and link my app?
FYI I have a Windows based system a few years ago but have switched PCs since then and since my newer PC happily runs Virtualbox, it seems sensible to create a more standard dev environment than the somewhat hacked Windows one that I used to have).

Re: Where's latest IDE/SDK?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:29 am
by papadeltasierra
OK so far I've tried this...
    - Install Ubuntu or similar as usual
    - Install the esp-open-sdk
    - Install your preferred official SDK if not using the standalone esp-open-sdk option
    - Now fix up the builds!
Currently I seem to be struggling with memory maps and having to link against the same SDK libraries multiple times because they have cross-dependencies and for some reason the linker can't handle these very well.

Re: Where's latest IDE/SDK?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:16 am
by McChubby007
Have you tried using PlatformIO : It manages and automates all the dependencies and frameworks. Although I don't use it as my main development method, I have tried it and it's very user-friendly.