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By kskbeko
#81555 Hi dear community;

I have

ESP8266-01 Module (black one) come with 1MB (512+512) 8Mbit
ARDUINO IDE software on windows

I spend 3-4 day to understand general structure and mechanism of ESP8266-01 Module
and im confused on some points;

first i did connect ESP8266-01 Module to ARDUINO Uno R3, and open the Serial Monitor of ARDUINO IDE to Testing AT+ commands (which is come from factory as builtin) and learn the builtinin flash mem capacity of ESP8266-01 Module and serial monitor returns me OK....

im wondering;

What if i upload an example sketch like "Blink" from ARDUINO IDE's ESP8266 Examples list,
does it remove the current AT+ Command list (which is come builtin) ?
if it so; what should i do if i want to change only the sketch section for each time without touching the firmware or at command list in builtin flash mem of ESP8266-01 Module ?

Thanks in advance. Best Regards
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By rudy
#81561 The application code gets written over when programming with Arduino. Just like when you put new code into the Arduino board, what was there before is gone, but can be programmed again.

There are other ways to program the ESP8266 board, with Lua, Basic, or Python. Those are interpreter languages rather than compiled code. The interpreter may be resident and only the application, or parts of the application changes. I have not used those so I may be wrong in this.
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By kskbeko
#81593 So can any one tell me about process ? step by step once you upload a program a code where the proccesosor start to read what should i do if i want to change only sktech section without touching the firmware ? or how to add code to ESP-01 cumulatively e.g. should i add the AT+ firmware to sketch ? at each time ? and how to do

what is the steps

Thanks in advance.