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By GreenBlood
#81585 Hey peeps! I want to program an esp12e in a frogo board(which works nicely by the way) but then mount said esp12e on a small piece of stripboard. The idea is to use a 4xaa battery holder to power a common arduino relay and a small 3.3v regulator and caps to make things safe for the esp12e(bare). Is this possible? I want to keep the whole package as small as possible and dont want to go nodemcu route.
Any issues with doing this?
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By Bonzo
#81586 If you are worried about size have you seen the mini Nodemcu?

Is this possible?
Why don't you try it and see?
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By rudy
#81587 Yes it is possible. Are there issues? Yes, always.

Regulator selection is important. Low drop but rated for 500mA. How well you construct it. Since you want it small then I would expect the wire connections to be short.