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Information Overload

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:45 am
by sudoadman
Hello eveyone! I need some help in getting started. Theres a lot of info on the web, right now it seems like a bit too much. I'll start with hardware:

Arduino Uno
ESP 8266 01 & ESP 8266 12e
Adafruit si7021
Bi-Directional 3.3V-5V Logic Level Converter
9V 2A power supply

What I'm needing is to measure temp and humidity once a hour, text that info to a cellphone, then go into deep sleep. I'm wanting to power this via batteries in the end. Will someone please send me in the right direction with this? I've spent too much time already following one project or another but not one has these specific parts. Though to be fair I'm probably not looking in the right areas.