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By dickorydock
#83145 Hi,

I am trying to hook up an Arduino Uno to the internet. So I bought a few devices, but none of them are working, and I'm getting frustrated because every time I go to the store, it seems I get home and realize I need yet another part. Ugh! But enough complaining. Here is what I have:

    Arduino Uno
    ESP8266 with pins coming out of the eight connectors
    Adafruit Huzzah Feather ESP8266
    HuzzahESP8266 Breakout (I know I only need one ESP8266...)
    3.3V to 5V logic converter
    Lots of male-male jumper cables.
    A breadboard
I am trying to connect my Arduino Uno to the internet to retrieve information for a project I am running on the Uno. I need to run the project through the Uno because I am connecting to an LED matrix panel that needs an Uno or Mega in order to work so I can't just run it through the ESP8266.

I have tried so many things, but I always seem to run into issues. Two thing I have tried:
With the plain ESP8266 I tried this... ... ion-dba10b
...but instead of the nice serial output I see:
10:29:13.841 -> fx~⸮⸮⸮⸮

With the Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 I tried this... ... rduino-ide
...and I was able to get the blink program to work (after resetting the Huzzah) but when I tried to bootload again and upload the Wifi-connectivity sketch from that same tutorial, it just says:
Code: Select allSerial port COM10
Connecting........_____....._____....._____....._____....._____....._____.....____Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[path]\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.5.2/tools/", line 25, in <module>
  File "[path]/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.5.2/tools/esptool\", line 2653, in main
  File "[path]/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.5.2/tools/esptool\", line 468, in connect
    raise FatalError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error))
esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
the selected serial port _
 does not exist or your board is not connected

Any help would be greatly appreciated.