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By weareplasma
#83612 How do I factory reset my Atmega328P WiFi- ESP8266 ?

I am brand new to this world, and made a really stupid error. I uploaded my test sketch (blink) to the wrong location on the board. I had the mode selection set to ESP 8266 (upload sketch), and not the ATmega328 (upload sketch)

So my mode pins are currently in this position:

So, unfortunately, I've wiped out the original code which was sitting on this location of the board. How do I correctly reset this board? I haven't written my code yet, so there is nothing to "lose" in resetting to factory default, but I cannot seem to see anything about how to do this. Or I'm missing something really basic.

Alternatively, I suppose I could simply upload the correct wifi code, but I do not know what that is supposed to be. This is day 0 of having this put together :lol:
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By btidey
#83629 I would guess the 'factory default' firmware for the esp8266 was probably the code that supports the AT command set. One could flash a version of that back on to the esp8266, but if you intend to replace that with your own esp8266 firmware then you could just skip to that.

The AT command set is available in binary form (in various versions) so you would flash that direct.


Separate flash tools are available there as well.