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Greetings and help!?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:44 pm
by wh7qq
I am new to esp8266 and nodemcu but not to Linux or Raspbian. I need to get data from a data logger that is set up to output to a generic pc based serial program. The data is output in plain text format from a db-9 connector on the logger in an interactive (request>data) way.

I took conventional advice and purchased a pair of nodemcu 1.0 boards and have followed the instructions to use the arduino ide to program it. I've been successful in getting the "blink" program to work but I now have no idea of how to proceed to get to my goal. There is a huge amount of information/programs for creating servers, etc. but nothing on actual connection to a serial port. I am not looking for a detailed answer, but some hints as to how to get there. Please help. Additional information provided on request.


Re: Greetings and help!?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:23 pm
by wh7qq
Glad anyone gave a s@#$. 166 reads and no response? What a great forum! How useful!

Sorry...bad mood after having blown the day to no avail, searching, downloading, installing, and so on. Lots of stuff out there for Windows crips and even the Linux stuff seems to have been derived from W$ and reverts back. Or it was written by some glib idiot who gets all exited and writes a blog or tutorial that can't be reproduced due to left out steps, etc. Phooey...going to throw my NodeMCU boards in the trash heap and stop wasting my time.