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By Pablo2048
#86853 Yes - there was change in HTTPClient API. ESParkle project tried to avoid this problem specifying strict core/library versions using @x.x.x syntax, unfortunately this library didn't made any release with version 1.0 and just update the interface and bump internal version # (which is bad behavior anyway) so the PIO library manager is unable to find right version and has to use the last one. You have two choices:
1. manually find (and guess) the right version of ESP8266Audio, grab it directly from github and put this version into the lib folder (and of course remove it from lib_deps)
2. use the latest esp8266 core (remove @1.6.0 in platform), and correct all errors to the new interface
This is exactly why I always copy the right versions of all used libraries (not maintained by me) to the lib folder and explicitly specify used core version.
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By bob21
#86864 I got some input from pfeerick over at platform IO, and I am very pleased to say I am up and running!

The problem was that there was a missing dependancy in the platformio.ini... apparently it should have been:

Code: Select alllib_deps =
  ESP Async WebServer@1.1.0

Spiram was missing, and ESPAudio got bumped to 1.1. I have no idea why it was throwing the HTTPClientAPI message, but I have it assembled and working. :)

So for anyone else who has no idea what to do to make this:

1. Install VSC and Platform IO plugin
2. Install Platform IO core (for CLI)
3. Clone ESParkle to dir of choice
3. Edit platformio.ini with above deps
4. Rename and fill in the missing info from config.h
5. If you want any other mp3s, put them in data/mp3
6. Open terminal and cd to the ESParkle dir
7. Connect Wemos
8. Type commands:

Code: Select allplatformio run -t upload

this uploads the main firmware, then:

Code: Select allplatformio run -t nobuild --target uploadfs

to upload the SPIFFS content (the mp3s in data dir). You may also need to use the --upload-port option, my port was /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410 so for example:

Code: Select allplatformio run -t nobuild --target uploadfs --upload-port /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410

9. When flashing is finished (you'll clearly see in the terminal a SUCCESS message in green) unplug it
10. Assemble :)

Thanks for your help Pablo. And others who helped me find this project :)