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Arduino UNO to wifi using ESP8266 12F

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:30 am
by KnotANumber
I'm trying to accomplish this tutorial : https://www.instructables.com/id/Add-WiFi-to-Arduino-UNO/. It shows a technique allowing the Arduino Uno to communicate via wifi using an ESP8266. However, my board is the 12F, and I am not sure if the tutorial is okay for that board.

There is one difference between my setup and the tutorial though, which is that my ESP8266 is docked on this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32812849093.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3afe4c4do082U7

I have done all the wiring and verified it multiple times, but I never get responses from the ESP. Here is what the wiring from the tutorial says:
VIN -> 3.3V
ENABLE -> 3.3V
TX -> RX
RX -> TX

What I tried:
- I tried inverting the RX and TX so that it's RX -> RX and TX -> TX
- I tried reducing the baud rate of the wifiSerial
- I tried to use the pin 2 and 3 on the Arduino instead of RX and TX since the code in the tutorial says
SoftwareSerial wifiSerial(2, 3);

- I tried to lengthen the responseTime to 5 seconds

It is my first time doing any internet stuff and I would like some help.
Thanks in advance

Edit: Between my posting this and the mods approving it, I also tried this tutorial, https://www.hackster.io/jeffpar0721/add-wifi-to-arduino-uno-663b9e. It is just the wiring that is different:

I have the same exact results with both wiring: At commands seem to never be answered. I don't get any "OK" from the ESP8266