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Reading temperatures with MAX31855

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:16 pm
by johnc1051@gmail.com
I can't get either a MAX31855 or a MAX6675 to work on with my NodeMCU V3 (LoLin) using Arduino IDE. I have checked both using a Arduino UNO board and on that platform I get temperature readings. On the NodeMCU the read 0C for the probe and internal temperatures. From the MAX31855 to the NodeMCU i've connected 3.3V and Gnd, DO to D6, CS to D7, CLK to D5. I have wired direct using female to female connectors to eliminate board connection issues. It's not a fake chip because it works just fine with a Uno. I think I should have CS go to pin D8 but if I connect it there the compiler can't connect and it faults. I'm using the Adafruit Serialthermocouple.ino with MAXDO = D6, MAXCS = D7, AND MAXCLK = D5. I have tried NodeMCU 0.9 and 1.0. with no luck.
