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By gregBaker
quackmore want to keep the Arduino stuff separated from everything else
on your Mac, you may try to install it on a virtual machine.
This is an example using virtualbox and ubuntu,-First%20make%20sure&text=Go%20to%20the%20USB%20section,now%20appear%20on%20the%20list.
All the stuff you install on the virtual machine will be available only there
and will not interfere with your Mac environment.

Sounds interesting, just what I need maybe?.
I know nothing about "virtual machines" nor "virtualbox" and "ubuntu" but will follow up with your link.

Thanks greg
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By kdz44
#90039 I had the same problem and solved it with two steps:
1.) The command
Code: Select allchmod a+x Users/klaus/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.7.4/tools/
sets the right attributes for because the execution flags were missing.
2.) In the file /Users/klaus/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.7.4/platform.txt I removed from the line statring with
Code: Select alltools.esptool.upload.pattern="{cmd}" "{runtime.platform.path}/tools/"
the "{cmd}" because this calls an old python interpreter. Leaving it out uses the default python which, on my system, works.

Hope that helps