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By Inq720
vanillaguerilla970 wrote:so i uploaded the code shown above and i get this from the serial monitor after i hook my gps and sd card reader up to it... the gps is a gt-u7, chinese knockoff of a very common one. when i plug the gps in via usb and open a serial monitor i get good gps sentences.

20:54:19.498 ->
3,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,0)
20:54:19.498 ->
20:54:19.498 -> wdt reset
20:54:19.498 -> load 0x4010f000, len 3460, room 16
20:54:19.498 -> tail 4
20:54:19.498 -> chksum 0xcc
20:54:19.498 -> load 0x3fff20b8, len 40, room 4
20:54:19.498 -> tail 4
20:54:19.531 -> chksum 0xc9
20:54:19.531 -> csum 0xc9
20:54:19.531 -> v0004c7a0
20:54:19.531 -> ~ld

Was this all the output or did you just take an excerpt? The reason is, I don't see the "card initialized." or the "Card failed, or not present" messages indicating it never finished the setup().

Note the message in your output: 20:54:19.498 -> wdt reset

That's the "Watch Dog". If your Sketch doesn't let the MPU do other chores for too long the ESP will reset in an attempt to clear the issue. Try putting another print before the loop. This will confirm if the issue is in the Card routine or in the GPS that happens before.

// Initialize SD card
Serial.println("card initializing.");
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
//don't do anything more:
while (1);
Serial.println("card initialized.");