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Re: Punyforth v0.3 release

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:12 am
by zeroflag
Cool project, thanks for sharing it.

RigTig wrote:A project using Punyforth
I need a remotely controlled stepper motor (well, at least three) to get rid of ethernet cables dangling everywhere for my big 3D printer. So, Punyforth to the rescue. Code fits on just over a page and runs on ESP12s. See https://hackaday.io/project/18533-esp8266-stepper-driver for more details.

Putting ESP12 into WiFi AP mode makes it unstable

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:07 am
by RigTig
I thought that setting the ESP12 as an access point would be the simplest way to set up a common point for clients to be sent UDP messages. However, I keep getting resets of ESP and rebooting of Punyforth. @zeroflag, can you please try running in AP mode and let me know if you can replicate the issue? Or have I overlooked something??
Code: Select all\ AP
192 168 8 88 >ipv4 wifi-set-ip
1 3 0 AUTH_WPA2_PSK str: "1234567890" str: "avago" wifi-softap
4 192 168 8 100 >ipv4 dhcpd-start

A feature set for future release: ESP_NOW support

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:20 am
by RigTig
Reading the Espressif documentation has shown there is a messaging protocol based on MAC addresses, called ESP_NOW. This appears to suit my purposes even better than UDP. I am not sure quite how to add such features (at least, not yet), and maybe @zeroflag might be able to add the feature set better than anyone else. @zeroflag, if you just don't have the time, please can you give me a bit of a heads-up on how to add such functionality.

Re: Punyforth v0.3 release

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:17 pm
by zeroflag
RigTig wrote:Reading the Espressif documentation has shown there is a messaging protocol based on MAC addresses, called ESP_NOW. This appears to suit my purposes even better than UDP. I am not sure quite how to add such features (at least, not yet), and maybe @zeroflag might be able to add the feature set better than anyone else. @zeroflag, if you just don't have the time, please can you give me a bit of a heads-up on how to add such functionality.

This code executed without any problem, and I can see an AP name "avago" from my laptop. When did you receive the reset signal?