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By TerryE
#34407 We aren't a commercial company selling esp32 devices, but a support group ofr apps programmers using the device so what about or These TLDs would be more appropriate. Whilst we are at it ditto for esp826org or These could set up these and redirectors to the same hosted site.
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By gregware
#34487 There had been (inadvertent?) leaks earlier about a the ESP roadmap ( ... -114023450).
ESP32 seems to depart from that, unless ESP32 is the new name for ESP8000 combo WiFi+BLE?

ESP8000 in that chart would have been nice, i.e. a beefed-up ESP8266 with more memory and in the same price range, I think that's all we need, especially if we can keep the benefits of existing toolchain.
A chip that has WiFi+BLE+GPS is more something you would put in a tablet.

There are a lot of contenders on this market. With C.H.I.P. around the corner for $9, low-end linux-able SBCs (Single-Board-Computers) come into the same price range as high-end 'proprietary' SOCs (System-On-Chip) such as ESP...

Hope Espressif will know how to keep the momentum!

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By DAFlippers
#34488 C.H.I.P. and ESP32 are very different beasts.

C.H.I.P. is ARM based fast with lots of memory and designed to be a low cost entry point for an interactive 'computer'. At $9 each the profit margin will be minute and a very difficult business model to operate.

ESP32 is a SoC designed for low power applications without necessarily any local interactive interfaces.
